Regional | Education

Ngā Taiātea student chosen for Asian Science Camp in Singapore

Tekiteora Rolleston-Gabel is a Year 13 student at Ngā Taiātea Wharekura who will be representing her school and NZ at an international Asian Science Camp in Singapore.

She is one of five students who have been selected to go, and the only Māori.

Science is Tekiteora Rolleston-Gabel's favourite subject at school, so much so it has earned the Ngā Taiātea Wharekura student a trip to Singapore to a science conference.

According to principal of Ngā Taiātea Wharekura, Watson Ohia, “She's an exceptional student, hard worker, focused on her work, (and) has strong support from her family.”

“I'm going to represent Taiātea, my family and NZ,” says Tekiteora.

Tekiteora was chosen by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga to go to the conference with all expenses paid.

Tekiteora says, “I was very lucky to be chosen to go.  I'll be able to learn, network with scientists who are specialists in their field.”

Mr Ohia says the school strives to develop young Māori leaders like Tekiteora.  “Māori can achieve.  One who can speak Māori, grew up Māori, can achieve anything in science."

While this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, it's also a first time abroad to a continent like Asia.